People are always looking for the perfect high? This doesn’t always mean what you think; sometimes better means healthier for your body. Ask ten smokers and you will get ten different answers as to the health benefits of using a bong to smoke with versus some other methods of inhalation. But studies have shown that although you can remove some toxins through the use of a bong, many others are still present. These same studies have also shown that using a bong also filtrates out some of the THC. Continue reading
Are Bongs Healthier for Your Lungs?
Yes! You Must Clean Your Bong
Bongs are used to intensify the hit from smoking marijuana. It is a more economical way to smoke because you don’t burn or waste anything. Some say it is a healthier way to smoke because you do not inhale carcinogens like you do when you smoke a joint .Although it is a disputable point some believe using a bong is a healthier way to smoke. To get the most out of your experience though, a clean bong is a must ! Continue reading
Homemade Bongs For Dummies : Learn The Basics
A bong, or water pipe is an instrument used for smoking, you can put various substances inside and if it is mixed properly you will have a good experience. Bongs use a cooling process to filter and cool smoke before it is inhaled. The smoke passes through water which is placed in a chamber of the bong while it is being prepared. Generally bongs are made of glass or acrylic, but this is not always the case. Bongs can be constructed out of many items; even some common household items can be used to make a makeshift or homemade bong. Continue reading
Why Use Vaporizers?
What is the best way to smoke? Maybe it’s not to smoke at all but to simply inhale, interesting concept, right? Making the most out your stash means maximizing your high. The active ingredient in cannabis, which gives users the euphoric effect they are trying to achieve, is called THC. Now THC is inactive until it is heated. Burning marijuana is what makes it potent because it releases the THC.
However burning any plant material, produces damaging toxins, so smoking a joint releases the chemicals you want and the toxins you don’t. Using a bong may improve your experience but studies show that there is no significant reduction in tar and in fact you may also filtrate out way more THC than you would when smoking a joint. Smoking a pipe does little more good than a bong would do. Then comes the vaporizers… Continue reading
Easy Ways To Improve Your Hit
It doesn’t matter what the subject matter is you always want to get the most for your money. Weed isn’t cheap. If you have a good stash you want to maximize your enjoyment from it. True, it won’t last forever but at least you can prolong the process. What can you do to improve your hit? First you should consider upgrading your hardware. Yes, invest in better equipment or if you have been going it old school and smoking joints, it might be time to buy a little something to improve your experience a bit. Invest in a pipe or bong and if want to spend a little more consider getting a vaporizer. Continue reading
3 Pretty Cool Homemade Bongs
If smoking is your favorite pass time and you feel the urge to smoke very often, then as a do-it-yourselfer, you may prepare your own unique bong at home with whatever is available to you. The internet is filled with creative people, here are a few of our favorite picks : Continue reading
An Effective Method to Clean Your Bong
No matter which bong you use to puff, be it a glass bong or a plastic bong, it is never hard to steer clear the smoke deposits in it that accumulate over time, leaving the bong smell horrible. Try the method below to clean your glass or plastic bong. Continue reading