When it comes to pure smoking pleasure, most people prefer the cool, smooth tones delivered by a bong. When it comes to convenience and concealment, bongs are not at the top of the list. They’re generally larger than a cream pitcher and require the use of fluid. They also tend to be colorful and attractive to the eye – not exactly subtle. Pipes, in their various forms, make for more conspicuous traveling. Continue reading
Bubblers: Pocket Bongs?
Countries Where Cannabis Is Legal
Anyone who has ever been to Amsterdam seems to have a wonderful time regaling his or her American friends with stories of the city’s lax drug laws. Marijuana use is legal in Amsterdam’s bars and coffee houses that choose to offer such niceties. They even have a variety of bongs and pipes for sale or use. While Belgian law technically forbids the possession of cannabis, if an adult is carrying less than 3 grams for personal use, penalties are almost unheard of. Continue reading
A Bong By Any Other Name
In general, even people who don’t smoke marijuana will look at a bong and say, well, that’s a bong, all right. Historical evidence indicates that even the Founding Fathers would likely have felt the same way. To those who are concerned with enforcing their own version of morality through the weight of the law, bongs and pipes are known by a different term, one that carries with it considerable negative connotations: Drug paraphernalia. Continue reading
Songs Of The Spliff
Popular culture has been portraying and celebrating recreational drug use since before Easy Rider. From Fast Times at Ridgemont High to Pineapple Express, with anything put out by Cheech and Chong in between, cinema has long been an avenue of expression by and for those who find enjoyment in the counter-culture. This has come about despite the best efforts of both a prohibitionist government and the Just Say No crowd. Continue reading
Bong Hits 4 Jesus (Brought To You By The Supreme Court)
In 2002, a high school senior named Joseph Frederick for displaying a banner that read “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” during the Olympic torch’s passing through Juneau, Alaska. He displayed the banner across the street from the school, although the school gathering for the torch run was technically a school function. For this, Frederick was handed a 10-day suspension. Continue reading
Marijuana Influenced Merchandise Flying Off The Shelves

Cute Cannabis Leaf Coffee Mug, the perfect gift for your stoner bredrins ( and its cheap too, click image to buy )
To the folks who use them, bongs and pipes are as much of a household items as frying pans and towels. To everyone else, they represent either props in the movies or stuff that gets hauled out of a row house on COPS. As time passes, and casual drug use loses its stigma of criminality, one finds marijuana based sundries seeping into the popular culture like never before. Continue reading
Salvia: Substitue for Marijuana?

Dried Salvia leaves can be purchased legally, but it is best to buy from reputed sellers ( click image to be taken to recomended shop ).
When teen star Miley Cyrus was recently photographed smoking from a bong during a party at her L.A. home, her publicity machine was quick to point out that Cyrus, of Hannah Montana fame, was smoking salvia, not marijuana. That tidbit may or may not have been effective as damage control; either way, it focused the hot lights of the media on a substance that has been quietly gaining in popularity. Continue reading
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Every so often a story finds its way into the media that both warms and chills the heart at the same time. This happened not long ago on Long Island. A convenience store owner named Mohammed Sohail, age 46, was working in May of 2009 when a masked robber came into his store. Sohail resonded by picking up his (legally registered) shotgun. Naturally, this reduced the would-be robber to a sobbing, trembling mess. He fell to his knees and begged forgiveness, claiming to be broke and unemployed. Continue reading
Bong Or Pipe: Which Is Better?
Which device is better, a bong or a pipe, would be purely a matter of preference. As with other subjective debates, each side makes valid points, and there is plenty of middle ground where people can honestly say that they enjoy both equally. There are many factors to weigh when examining the pros and cons of each item, although there’s no reason that the two things should be mutually exclusive. Continue reading