Homemade Bong made out of a pringles chips container ! Pretty cool idea
There is no short supply to the inventories held by head shops across America. An endless array of colors, sizes, shapes, designs and prices is on hand for anyone to browse or purchase. However, not everyone is inclined to spend a tremendous amount of money on a bong. In the case of low-income Americans, there are just too many other demands for their money. There are also people who are just plain thrifty, and then there is a subset of smokers who just happen to have an inventive streak, preferring to make their own devices.
Homespun And Hand-Made
It doesn’t take much in the way of innovation or raw materials to make a smoking device. One can fashion a quick steamroller out of a cardboard tube from a roll of toilet paper just by cutting a hole in it and pushing in a piece of tinfoil for a bowl. A water bong can be made readily out of a plastic bottle, a ballpoint pen and a small socket from the tool box. The important thing to remember is that any areas that are exposed to flame should be made of wood, ceramic or metal (not plastic or rubber).
Mother Nature Provides
Other people have found that something as simple as an apple can be used to make a bong – as Charlize Theron can attest. The methodology is crude but effective; poke two intersecting holes (one through the top and one through the side) into the core of the apple. One hole serves as the bowl, the other as the stem of the “pipe”. Put the marijuana in the top and draw through the side. Eat apple when finished (it staves off the munchies).
Any old way will do, although most people who enjoy smoking marijuana will probably want to have a nice piece to pass around with friends. However you slice it, there is a bong or pipe for everyone, at low cost or no cost, or for as much as you want to spend.