Behold, The Vapir ONE Vaporizer, this isnt your average bong, in fact, its not really a bong, its a vaporizer... you cant get more high tech bong than a vaporizer ! This set retails for around 190$ which is a good deal for a vaporizer considering the health benefits especially. Click the image for more info.
For the most part, smoking devices have always been pretty straightforward. From the simplicity of rolling papers to the longest multi-chambered bongs, the idea has always been the same: Light, draw, inhale. The past few years, however, have seen innovations in bongs and pipes that go beyond novelty items.
Plugged In
Bongs that are powered by electricity have been on the market for some time now. It’s not too difficult a contraption – same tube filled with water, same stem, same bowl. The only difference is the electric pump motor attached to the thing. The result is about what you’d expect – copious amounts of smoke being pushed out of the bong and into the lungs. The pump is similar to what one would use on a blow-up air mattress. Other devices use a small bellows to push out smoke (but typically do not include water).
Where There’s No Smoke There’s No Fire
Another type of modern smoking apparatus is the vaporizer (sometimes called a nebulizer). This device is akin to a soldering iron with a metal bowl on the top, which sits under a globe. When the iron heats up, THC (the intoxicating chemical in marijuana) comes out of the bowl in the form of vapor. The marijuana is not actually burned to produce smoke. The result is a less-harsh hit without any carbon or noxious chemicals involved. Also, unlike bongs, a vaporizer does not utilize water.
Even regular pipes have gone “high” tech, incorporating temperature-reducing fins and spiral heat sinks to deliver smoke that is cool and smooth. One manufacturer has even created a pipe with a revolving cylinder (like a six-gun) that allows the user to rotate the bowl to allow for six fresh hits. Necessity may not be the mother of these inventions, but bongs and pipes continue to evolve, furthering the likelihood of society loosening the reins on recreation marijuana use.