When one thinks of a bong, one usually pictures something tall and garish with lights and tubes and glass and steel, practically stolen from the set of a sci-fi movie. This is what pop culture presents to the interested public, so that’s what we get. While such colossal devices are popular, they are not the only game in town – merely the biggest.

Budbat Silver Pipe, looks great, works brilliantly, and is easily concealed in anti-smoking environments thanks to its slim design. It is also pretty cheap for this sort of quality, only 28$, click image for more info.
Marijuana paraphernalia has gone nano in recent years. This began with the creation of the zeppelin, a small oblong metal pipe with a toke end and a screw-on cap. The cap has a small hole in it through which the pipe can be lit. The cap also serves to limit telltale smoke. The entire thing is about the size of your thumb. Bubblers are small bongs that hold an ounce of water or less, no bigger than a wine cork.
Pocket Pals
Not only have bongs and pipes gotten smaller over time, they have also gotten sneakier. An entire new limb of economic opportunity has spurted out of the paraphernalia industry – surreptitious smoking devices.

The Pot Hit Dug-Out Pipe is a huge advancement in dug-out pipe technology. This is a premium one hitter pipe, sold for 45$, click image for more info.
The most popular such pipe is called a dugout. It has either a small brass pipe or a fake ceramic cigarette that rests in a small wooden box, about the size of a Zippo lighter. It also has a compartment for one’s marijuana, which is best served ground up, so that the “bat” can be stuffed into it for a quick load. One or two hits later, it’s all out of sight and mind.
Also on the market are false containers – soda cans, water bottles, STP, what have you – that look like ordinary products but actually have hollowed-out sections in which one can stash one’s dope. It’s a cat-and-mouse game with law enforcement, though, with each side working hard to outdo the other.